Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A little 18 week update

Wow how time has flown by since we first saw that tiny little plus sign on a stick!  I am now 18 weeks. 
Sorry to disappoint but it's still only a little baby belly. But don't worry, I"ve got plenty of weeks left to grow!
There are so many thoughts running through my head at any given time. A girl's mind is a complicated thing. A pregnant girl's mind is just pure chaos. Even sleeping our minds never stop. Dreaming is taking on a whole new level of crazy. 
With all these thoughts and new experiences I have been wanting to start journaling again. I used to write all the time. I think I got that from my mom. Her pocket calendars would be full of tidbits from her day and she would often have a notebook she wrote in just to record everyday happenings. I used to love reading through old entries of hers. We even found the entries from when Kyle and I were baptized at the same church around the same time when we were younger. 
The days seem to slide on by and I still haven't picked my journal back up. Every time I sit down to write, I end making a to do list instead. Oh how I love making lists. (Another trait I got from my momma.) So I think next time I"m out and about, I'm going to pick up a new notebook and a lovely pen. 

Oh and I have felt some flutters! Baby Bean was really moving around in there during Justin Timberlake's performance on the MTV video awards. I'm not surprised since I was a mega Nsync fan. (not ashamed) 
We can't wait to see our tiny dancer at our next ultrasound! 

Friday, August 9, 2013

Baby Journey: So far, so good.

Well I think it's time for a little update on our baby journey.

Tomorrow starts week 16. So far things have flown by.
We have been calling our little bundle "Baby Bean" for now. Thanks to my friends at work who decided that with my nickname "Jilly Bean" that "Baby Bean" is most fitting.

1st Trimester: I started out pretty yucky feeling. I also have joined the Champion Burping Club, which makes me think heartburn will be coming soon. Kyle said he'll need to sign me up for etiquette classes to learn how to be a lady again. Obviously, he thinks I'm quite lovely. Kyle is on cloud nine though and maybe even more excited than I am. Not as excited as both our parents who are going to be grandparents for the first time!

Few weeks into 2nd Trimester:  I am feeling much better and my belly is definitely not flat anymore. I've been calling about child care, planning the nursery, and considering names (no names yet.). I am ready to find out boy or girl so the fun stuff can begin! We are planning a gender reveal party with our families so be sure to check back and see the party details.

Cravings so far:  cheese, cupcakes, and salad. Yes, salad with lettuce.
Things that make me gag:  Archer's dog food, toothpaste, cleaning the house (ok maybe the last one isn't exactly pregnancy related.)

Kyle is helping me document weekly pictures with the fruit corresponding with baby size to put in an album.
Here are is a little sample of weeks so far. Week by week, we are embracing each step of this journey!

Week Ten

Week Fifteen

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Prayer for a New School Year

With the start of a new school year, my thoughts always turn to the teacher and students that are beginning a new season in their life.

I encourage you to declare this prayer over this next school year and declare God's power and will to be shown in schools this year.

You are a wondrous and marvelous God. I thank you for giving each of us the capacity to learn new things. I am amazed at the gifts, talents, and abilities that you have placed on each of us.
I pray especially for teachers, who share their gifts, talents, and abilities with children. I thank you for the sacrifices, the time, the love given from every teacher's heart to inspire and build up the children that are placed in their path. I ask that you give them the strength, the boldness, the compassion to deal with each day given to them. I ask that you guide their decisions and discussions each day and help them to make wise choices in dealing with conflicts that rise in their classrooms. I pray that you ignite the spark that called them to teaching when they first began their career. I ask that you give them extra grace so that they may give their students grace where needed.
God, I pray for the students that are starting a new year. I pray that you clear their minds so that they may learn what they need to learn this year. I pray that you reveal your purpose for every student searching and give them a vision of what they could be. I thank you for each child who comes ready to learn, who helps others, who makes the right choice. May their good deeds not go unseen. I ask you to guide the wild ones, who would rather make trouble than shine bright. I pray that they are given grace and shown love that they may have a turn of heart and desire to aim higher. I pray for the lonely students, the hurting students, the struggling students, the hungry students, the abused students. Lord comfort them in a way only you can. Bless each student as they confront their school work, cliques, peer pressure, schedules. May you be glorified through the work of students this year.
God, I pray for the parents as they send their kids off to another year.  I ask that you be especially close to those mommas sending their kids off to their first day of kindergarten, high school, college, and every milestone in between. Be near to their anxious hearts and comfort them knowing that their children are held tight in Your loving hands. Be with the daddies, leading their families. Let them rise to the occasions given and be great examples to their children so that through them You are made evident. I ask that you give parents wisdom and grace in guiding their children through trials and tough decisions. May You be the source of their answers. God, convict those parents who are not involved, and are not making wise choices for their children. Show them the way to parent and the way to love their children in the way You intended.
Thank you for giving resting time in the summer and I pray that you give energy and a renewed spirit as this new school year starts. May You move in a mighty way in each of our lives. Amen.