Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Brown Christmas with Little Lords a Leaping

Last night we had Clyde's first Christmas program. I haven't been out besides errands and shopping since Harvey was born so this was a treat! We got all dressed up and picked him up at daycare to take him out to dinner before his program. We had a super fun little family dinner. Any time your toddler behaves while eating feels like a lottery win. We were done a little early and Kyle asked what we would do to kill time. I told him by the time I had Clyde's clothes changed and the baby fed, we'd be perfect on time. I should have known....

We sat in the car and changed Clyde into his super cute little Christmas cardigan.
Then it's Harvey's turn. As I'm changing his diaper on my lap in the car, he poops.
No, not a little. He poops a lot. Projected straight at me and my nice, non-yoga pant, outfit.
 I scream and it just keeps coming.  It is all over my lap, including my pants and shirt. We need to be at the daycare in 20 mins and we are still in the restaurant parking lot.
Kyle puts Clyde in his carseat which causes him to cry, adding to the tension in the air.  He grabs whatever wipes he can find for me.  I can see him trying to hold in his laughter.  I get Harvey and myself all cleaned up. Luckily I had taken off my blazer jacket so i wore that over my nursing tank and wiped my pants the best I could. Phew! So after clean up, nursing stinky Harvey, and getting everyone buckled back in, we miraculously made it on time. Another win of the lottery.

And Oh Clyde! .......I sat in poopy pants, nursing Harvey, who apparently was still starving after all that, and watched the cutest little Christmas program.
When it was time for Clyde's class, instead of dancing to the music, he stood there like a (really cute) statue.  And then halfway through his song, out of nowhere, he runs to the edge of the stage like he's going to leap off. The front row ran up to catch him while his teacher came from behind. He stopped right before jumping into the crowd.
Apparently we need to have a conversation about when it isn't appropriate to crowd surf. For instance-any time you are wearing a cardigan.

Here's our cute little leaping lord at his first performance!

And little bubby had to dress up too!

Brotherly love

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