Monday, November 25, 2013

Showing Kindness

Kyle and I have the best family and friends. They have all been so encouraging and helpful as we navigate the ending of our "married with dogs" life and move into "cutest couple ever with a kid" life. However I have found that I have really been grateful for the kindness of strangers these past few weeks. 

It seems that sometimes we expect those close to us to be the ones who ask how we are doing, to give us compliments, and build us up. I don't want to say we take it for granted, but sometimes it feels like "what they are supposed to do." So when it comes, we take it in, with little impact on our day. 

It's when a stranger or an acquaintance do these things that it really gets our attention. For example:

Last week I was feeling exceptionally yucky. My back was hurting, I wasn't sleeping a lot, heartburn, not fitting into my maternity jeans that fit last was all weighing in. I had a patient that chatted with me about babies and pregnancy things. When I finished cleaning her teeth, as she was leaving, she took a look at me and said in a very heartfelt manner, "Oh you just look great, you look so healthy!  I expect to see pictures when I come in next time!" I nearly teared up. This lady's demeanor was so sincere and in this one statement, my day was made.

I thought about how wonderful this lady made me feel at a time when I'm starting to lose all feeling of beauty. (I'm sorry, I may be "cute and pregnant" to you all, but no one feels pretty when they are panting like a dog, and seriously contemplating calling in backup to get themselves out of their jeans.") The point is, sometimes all we need is the right person to give us that boost.
As I shared before, my girl's group is doing a season of serving.  I've been trying to focus myself out of the greed of the holidays and turn my thoughts towards striving to live out the Fruits of the Spirit.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control." Galations 5:22a

When you think about Christmas shopping, driving in busy traffic, shuffling around to extended family holiday events, and squeezing something  in every minute of our calendar, you don't think of these character descriptions do you? I think, frustrated, spiteful, annoyed, short tempered, red haired crazy is more like it.
But God says for the Spirit to be evident in our lives, or in other words, for others to see that we are Christ followers, we must strive to live out these characteristics.

If you are looking for a way to serve others this season, it doesn't have to be a big event or cost money. Let's choose kindness. Instead of getting caught up in the bustle of our daily schedules, try to really "see" the people we come in contact with. Look for opportunities to give sincere compliments. You never know when you've caught someone feeling low and your caring thought might just turn their day around.

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