Monday, November 25, 2013

Showing Kindness

Kyle and I have the best family and friends. They have all been so encouraging and helpful as we navigate the ending of our "married with dogs" life and move into "cutest couple ever with a kid" life. However I have found that I have really been grateful for the kindness of strangers these past few weeks. 

It seems that sometimes we expect those close to us to be the ones who ask how we are doing, to give us compliments, and build us up. I don't want to say we take it for granted, but sometimes it feels like "what they are supposed to do." So when it comes, we take it in, with little impact on our day. 

It's when a stranger or an acquaintance do these things that it really gets our attention. For example:

Last week I was feeling exceptionally yucky. My back was hurting, I wasn't sleeping a lot, heartburn, not fitting into my maternity jeans that fit last was all weighing in. I had a patient that chatted with me about babies and pregnancy things. When I finished cleaning her teeth, as she was leaving, she took a look at me and said in a very heartfelt manner, "Oh you just look great, you look so healthy!  I expect to see pictures when I come in next time!" I nearly teared up. This lady's demeanor was so sincere and in this one statement, my day was made.

I thought about how wonderful this lady made me feel at a time when I'm starting to lose all feeling of beauty. (I'm sorry, I may be "cute and pregnant" to you all, but no one feels pretty when they are panting like a dog, and seriously contemplating calling in backup to get themselves out of their jeans.") The point is, sometimes all we need is the right person to give us that boost.
As I shared before, my girl's group is doing a season of serving.  I've been trying to focus myself out of the greed of the holidays and turn my thoughts towards striving to live out the Fruits of the Spirit.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control." Galations 5:22a

When you think about Christmas shopping, driving in busy traffic, shuffling around to extended family holiday events, and squeezing something  in every minute of our calendar, you don't think of these character descriptions do you? I think, frustrated, spiteful, annoyed, short tempered, red haired crazy is more like it.
But God says for the Spirit to be evident in our lives, or in other words, for others to see that we are Christ followers, we must strive to live out these characteristics.

If you are looking for a way to serve others this season, it doesn't have to be a big event or cost money. Let's choose kindness. Instead of getting caught up in the bustle of our daily schedules, try to really "see" the people we come in contact with. Look for opportunities to give sincere compliments. You never know when you've caught someone feeling low and your caring thought might just turn their day around.

Friday, November 22, 2013

9 weeks to go! Ultrasound day.

Oh no he didn't....
I change back into my sweatpants and walk into the kitchen after getting home from my appointment. There is a gallon of milk left sitting out on the counter. I immediately grab my phone to text Kyle about his big mistake. Luckily I stop myself. 
Kyle had his bowl of cereal at 7:30am and I drank milk with my waffles at 9:30am. Hmm. Must have been my fault. Again. Shoot. 
I might have been a little distracted this morning because it was ultrasound day! 
First of all I had to find something to wear. This is not an easy task. It must be comfortable obviously. It can't be too tight so that my Dr. doesn't see that I squish myself into my clothes just to look cute. But it must be as cute and fashionable as the other pregnant mom's in the waiting room. Do these girls dress like this all the time or, like me, do they just get out of their sweatpants for Dr. appointment days? After my waffles and milk and choosing outfit #12 with a scarf to distract, we were ready to go. 

 The ultrasound was amazing. We got to see Baby C yawn! We could see him putting his little fingers in his mouth. His foot looked huge on the screen, but my ribs could have told you that. The best part was that my mom and dad were able to come with us! Everything was on track and he is on the small side of average for size and weight. It was a smooth appointment except for when I accidentally (and loudly) kicked over a stool getting onto the Dr. table, causing the nurse to come running over making sure I was okay. Yes, ma'am, just being my clumsy self. Thank goodness I didn't break anything in the exam room. Although I"m on a good streak considering the computer mouse and instrument I dropped this week at work. Not to mention the big bowl of dog food that flew out of my hands and all over the kitchen floor. I choose to blame the pregnancy, but my family would say the evidence of my pre pregnancy life suggest it's just me. *Insert memory of waving a flaming spatula in the air. 

It's hard to believe we are less than 10 weeks away from meeting our little guy. Our schedule is completely packed until January with holiday events, baby showers, and our "to do" lists. Hopefully we can take a cue from these two fluff balls and squeeze in as much resting as we can before our lives are turned upside down in the most exciting way! 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fall 2013 Backyard Pictures

I can't believe we are at week 28 already! We are venturing into the 3rd trimester. 
Baby C. is kicking like crazy. I can't get over how amazing it is to feel his different kicks and to see my belly move when he rolls around. I sprain my ankle over a month ago and it is finally feeling almost normal. That threw any intentions of exercising or early Christmas shopping out the window. I"ve been forced to "rest". Which probably isn't a bad thing. Other than that and a bad case of heartburn, I've been feeling great. We've got the nursery about half way done. I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as it is put together. 

I have been waiting for a vibrant fall afternoon with autumn colors to take our backyard photos. The trees are absolutely gorgeous right now. I thought I'd try to throw in a few maternity type pictures in the mix just for fun. Once again, we really have no idea what we are doing, we just throw the camera on the tripod and pretend that we do. No contests here, just capturing fun memories of our growing family. Enjoy! :)


Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.
-- E.B. White, Charlotte's Web

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween: Crazy Pregnant Person Style

I love autumn. I love the weather, the turning leaves, the bonfires. However, I'm not the biggest fan of Halloween. Sure, the kid's costumes are cute, I've dressed up for parties, and decorated pumpkins, but it's just not my thing. Growing up in the country we trick or treated at a few relatives houses, and a few close friends and family came to our house for candy. But it was never a huge deal. I think I was under the impression that it was thought of as borderline greedy to beg for candy (as well as non-family birthday parties). So we kept it simple. I guess that's why I never understood the allure of walking through neighborhoods getting bags full of candy. I was appalled when I first moved out and gave away candy. The kids just scooped their hands in and took all the candy they wanted when I (mistakenly) held out the whole bowl of candy.

This is our second Halloween in this house. I barely remember last year, but our neighbors said we get a handful of kids and usually no one comes once it gets dark. Kyle was working and I didn't think it would be much fun alone. Quite frankly, I just didn't want to roll my large body off the couch and answer the door. Besides, candy sounds gross to me right now. I'm the "scrooge of Halloween."  So I didn't get any candy. I just left my lights off and worked on my computer in the bedroom during trick or treat hours, not intending to answer the door. (yes, hiding out)

 Well, it had been dark for about an hour and we had zero trick or treaters even come by. I ate a little supper, took a shower, and wrapped myself in a (probably too short) robe. Hey people, it's comfort priority here. It's a little after 8pm and I'm getting ready to watch a little TV before dozing off on the couch like usual. BUT... someone knocks on my door. I have no candy. I"m pregnant belly naked under a possibly too revealing fuzzy robe (picture that. you're welcome.). There are no lights on inside the house or outside except for the TV and the bathroom I just came from. I cannot see anything outside, because even our motion light was off, so I am just assuming they are trick or treaters (as opposed to murderers taking advantage of people opening their doors to anyone this holiday.)
 So I turn back to the bedroom and don't answer the door. The dogs of course are going crazy. Archer sounds like he is going to eat any person that comes near his human.
They knock again and I hear a man yell "We know you are home. You are being rude!" ........

No sir. Answering the door in my bare belly with my gun (in case you are a murderer), giving your kids nightmares instead of candy would have been rude. But I refrained and gave you time to safely move on to the next house away from the scary pregnant girl.

Let's hope next year, I"m a little more put together and you'll be seeing photos of Baby C. dressed in some kind of ridiculously cute costume "trick or treating" at Grandma and Grandpas. However, I do think we'll visit in the day light so we can be sure they are wearing more than a robe!