Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Faded Flannel Jacket

Kyle has an old quilted flannel jacket that he loves. It's not exactly runway material. It's faded, worn thin, and even has a hole in it. But he absolutely loves that thing. He insists on wearing it anytime it's even remotely chilly and would wear it to any given date night if I would let him. He defends the jacket, stating all of it's great qualities. "This is usually how his defense goes. "It is the perfect thickness for warmth, it is comfortable, and looks great on me!"  And how can I argue?

After hanging out with my sweet friends this week, I caught a glimpse of Kyle's old ratty jacket hanging in the closet. I couldn't help but smile. My friends and I are not as young as we once were. We won't be walking on the runway anytime soon. Sometimes we are worn thin and our life is full of holes.  But I would take them anywhere, even in our yoga pants and messy ponytails we are beautiful. There is something wonderful, familiar, and comfortable about a true, intimate friendship. It's my favorite. 

“We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
Even longer,' Pooh answered.” 
― A.A. MilneWinnie-the-Pooh

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