When I think of chocolate chip cookies, I don't think about the raw egg dough I got to eat, I think of the forgiving mom who let us get a special treat even if we had been misbehaving that day. I don't think of the imperfect measurements or if it is made with chocolate chips or chunks, I think of how I was taught to be flexible, improvise, and use the resources on hand. I received valuable coaching during these flour-faced sessions, and I thank God for chocolate chip cookies. There are that sweet little reminder of my mom's love.
I have only had a smart phone for 6 months. I have had people exclaim "Don't you just love it?!", or "Could you ever go back to your old phone?!" Well, I can honestly say that I could. I love my smart phone, I love using it for pictures and to check my social media. I do. But, I find that checking my phone has become a quick addiction. I look at it while I'm in line at the bathroom at church, I check it during dinner dates with my husband, I look at it at long red lights when I'm driving. It's distracting. How can I invest in the people I love and the people in my community if I don't even see them? I don't want to be remembered as always being distracted or that I didn't value those around me. I want to be remembered by my love and for investing and pouring into the lives of my friends and family. I want them to see "chocolate chip cookies" and thank God for giving us that relationship.
"And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another-and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:24-25
P.S. I must add that I was making a new strawberry cake while writing this post, and I just looked over at an ingredient that I forgot to put it. So I don't think strawberry cake is going to be "my thing" like my mom and chocolate chip cookies. Better stick to what mom taught me. :)
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