Saturday, December 7, 2013

Backyard Photos: Winter 2013 Edition

Can you believe it's December already? I love December. I'm finding time to do some of my Christmas preparations in between the heartburn, back pain, and lack of energy. I scaled down my decorations this year, knowing I won't feel like putting them away later. Kyle will raise his eyebrows and say "scaled down?" when he reads this. Yes dear, this is scaled down. 

3rd trimester has been interesting. I have been eating sweets like they are going out of style. This child moves constantly. I mean all the time. I'm not sure how I'll keep up with him when he arrives. Sleep is a thing of the past and finding a comfortable position even sitting on the couch is nearly impossible. My mood changes in the matter of seconds and it's no wonder my husband has officially traded me in for his beloved iPad. Between all that, baby and I are still healthy and we are just weeks away from meeting!

I've been wanting to be sure and get our backyard winter photos in while I can still walk to the backyard. 
When the snow was flurrying down yesterday, I knew this weekend would be the perfect time to get out our tripod and work on our photos. So today, with a clear sky and inches of snow still blanketing our 3 acres, we braved the cold and went out for a photo shoot. Since we aren't doing professional maternity photos, we just added that into our winter photos like we did for the fall photos. I think they still turned out pretty cute.  If you can't tell, we are just super excited to meet this little guy! 

Monday, November 25, 2013

Showing Kindness

Kyle and I have the best family and friends. They have all been so encouraging and helpful as we navigate the ending of our "married with dogs" life and move into "cutest couple ever with a kid" life. However I have found that I have really been grateful for the kindness of strangers these past few weeks. 

It seems that sometimes we expect those close to us to be the ones who ask how we are doing, to give us compliments, and build us up. I don't want to say we take it for granted, but sometimes it feels like "what they are supposed to do." So when it comes, we take it in, with little impact on our day. 

It's when a stranger or an acquaintance do these things that it really gets our attention. For example:

Last week I was feeling exceptionally yucky. My back was hurting, I wasn't sleeping a lot, heartburn, not fitting into my maternity jeans that fit last was all weighing in. I had a patient that chatted with me about babies and pregnancy things. When I finished cleaning her teeth, as she was leaving, she took a look at me and said in a very heartfelt manner, "Oh you just look great, you look so healthy!  I expect to see pictures when I come in next time!" I nearly teared up. This lady's demeanor was so sincere and in this one statement, my day was made.

I thought about how wonderful this lady made me feel at a time when I'm starting to lose all feeling of beauty. (I'm sorry, I may be "cute and pregnant" to you all, but no one feels pretty when they are panting like a dog, and seriously contemplating calling in backup to get themselves out of their jeans.") The point is, sometimes all we need is the right person to give us that boost.
As I shared before, my girl's group is doing a season of serving.  I've been trying to focus myself out of the greed of the holidays and turn my thoughts towards striving to live out the Fruits of the Spirit.

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control." Galations 5:22a

When you think about Christmas shopping, driving in busy traffic, shuffling around to extended family holiday events, and squeezing something  in every minute of our calendar, you don't think of these character descriptions do you? I think, frustrated, spiteful, annoyed, short tempered, red haired crazy is more like it.
But God says for the Spirit to be evident in our lives, or in other words, for others to see that we are Christ followers, we must strive to live out these characteristics.

If you are looking for a way to serve others this season, it doesn't have to be a big event or cost money. Let's choose kindness. Instead of getting caught up in the bustle of our daily schedules, try to really "see" the people we come in contact with. Look for opportunities to give sincere compliments. You never know when you've caught someone feeling low and your caring thought might just turn their day around.

Friday, November 22, 2013

9 weeks to go! Ultrasound day.

Oh no he didn't....
I change back into my sweatpants and walk into the kitchen after getting home from my appointment. There is a gallon of milk left sitting out on the counter. I immediately grab my phone to text Kyle about his big mistake. Luckily I stop myself. 
Kyle had his bowl of cereal at 7:30am and I drank milk with my waffles at 9:30am. Hmm. Must have been my fault. Again. Shoot. 
I might have been a little distracted this morning because it was ultrasound day! 
First of all I had to find something to wear. This is not an easy task. It must be comfortable obviously. It can't be too tight so that my Dr. doesn't see that I squish myself into my clothes just to look cute. But it must be as cute and fashionable as the other pregnant mom's in the waiting room. Do these girls dress like this all the time or, like me, do they just get out of their sweatpants for Dr. appointment days? After my waffles and milk and choosing outfit #12 with a scarf to distract, we were ready to go. 

 The ultrasound was amazing. We got to see Baby C yawn! We could see him putting his little fingers in his mouth. His foot looked huge on the screen, but my ribs could have told you that. The best part was that my mom and dad were able to come with us! Everything was on track and he is on the small side of average for size and weight. It was a smooth appointment except for when I accidentally (and loudly) kicked over a stool getting onto the Dr. table, causing the nurse to come running over making sure I was okay. Yes, ma'am, just being my clumsy self. Thank goodness I didn't break anything in the exam room. Although I"m on a good streak considering the computer mouse and instrument I dropped this week at work. Not to mention the big bowl of dog food that flew out of my hands and all over the kitchen floor. I choose to blame the pregnancy, but my family would say the evidence of my pre pregnancy life suggest it's just me. *Insert memory of waving a flaming spatula in the air. 

It's hard to believe we are less than 10 weeks away from meeting our little guy. Our schedule is completely packed until January with holiday events, baby showers, and our "to do" lists. Hopefully we can take a cue from these two fluff balls and squeeze in as much resting as we can before our lives are turned upside down in the most exciting way! 

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fall 2013 Backyard Pictures

I can't believe we are at week 28 already! We are venturing into the 3rd trimester. 
Baby C. is kicking like crazy. I can't get over how amazing it is to feel his different kicks and to see my belly move when he rolls around. I sprain my ankle over a month ago and it is finally feeling almost normal. That threw any intentions of exercising or early Christmas shopping out the window. I"ve been forced to "rest". Which probably isn't a bad thing. Other than that and a bad case of heartburn, I've been feeling great. We've got the nursery about half way done. I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as it is put together. 

I have been waiting for a vibrant fall afternoon with autumn colors to take our backyard photos. The trees are absolutely gorgeous right now. I thought I'd try to throw in a few maternity type pictures in the mix just for fun. Once again, we really have no idea what we are doing, we just throw the camera on the tripod and pretend that we do. No contests here, just capturing fun memories of our growing family. Enjoy! :)


Life is always a rich and steady time when you are waiting for something to happen or to hatch.
-- E.B. White, Charlotte's Web

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween: Crazy Pregnant Person Style

I love autumn. I love the weather, the turning leaves, the bonfires. However, I'm not the biggest fan of Halloween. Sure, the kid's costumes are cute, I've dressed up for parties, and decorated pumpkins, but it's just not my thing. Growing up in the country we trick or treated at a few relatives houses, and a few close friends and family came to our house for candy. But it was never a huge deal. I think I was under the impression that it was thought of as borderline greedy to beg for candy (as well as non-family birthday parties). So we kept it simple. I guess that's why I never understood the allure of walking through neighborhoods getting bags full of candy. I was appalled when I first moved out and gave away candy. The kids just scooped their hands in and took all the candy they wanted when I (mistakenly) held out the whole bowl of candy.

This is our second Halloween in this house. I barely remember last year, but our neighbors said we get a handful of kids and usually no one comes once it gets dark. Kyle was working and I didn't think it would be much fun alone. Quite frankly, I just didn't want to roll my large body off the couch and answer the door. Besides, candy sounds gross to me right now. I'm the "scrooge of Halloween."  So I didn't get any candy. I just left my lights off and worked on my computer in the bedroom during trick or treat hours, not intending to answer the door. (yes, hiding out)

 Well, it had been dark for about an hour and we had zero trick or treaters even come by. I ate a little supper, took a shower, and wrapped myself in a (probably too short) robe. Hey people, it's comfort priority here. It's a little after 8pm and I'm getting ready to watch a little TV before dozing off on the couch like usual. BUT... someone knocks on my door. I have no candy. I"m pregnant belly naked under a possibly too revealing fuzzy robe (picture that. you're welcome.). There are no lights on inside the house or outside except for the TV and the bathroom I just came from. I cannot see anything outside, because even our motion light was off, so I am just assuming they are trick or treaters (as opposed to murderers taking advantage of people opening their doors to anyone this holiday.)
 So I turn back to the bedroom and don't answer the door. The dogs of course are going crazy. Archer sounds like he is going to eat any person that comes near his human.
They knock again and I hear a man yell "We know you are home. You are being rude!" ........

No sir. Answering the door in my bare belly with my gun (in case you are a murderer), giving your kids nightmares instead of candy would have been rude. But I refrained and gave you time to safely move on to the next house away from the scary pregnant girl.

Let's hope next year, I"m a little more put together and you'll be seeing photos of Baby C. dressed in some kind of ridiculously cute costume "trick or treating" at Grandma and Grandpas. However, I do think we'll visit in the day light so we can be sure they are wearing more than a robe!

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

A Season of Serving

It's that time of year again. It seems that as soon as Halloween is here, we turn back our clocks, and the holiday season is here and done. The tornado sucks us up and tosses us around, our heads spinning until finally it spits us out sometime into the next year. We are exhausted and glad it's over. What a sad thought of how easily we get caught up in the busy season of Christmas and forget the true meaning. With Christmas a month before Little Bean's expected arrival, it's important that I chose how I spend my energy this year. Instead of marathon shopping, making dozens of homemade crafts, and rushing to every holiday party, I'm going to focus my time on the things that count. The things of eternal value.

" Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms." 1 Peter 4:10

My friend and I co-lead a girl's life group. We meet each week to hang out, pray, discuss our bible study, and eat yummy food. We just finished the "Unglued" study by Lysa TerKeurst. (highly recommend) and have decided for our next journey together we are going to do a Season of Serving. 

We knew that with our busy schedules and various things going on, starting up a new book to study would be too much. 
So each month in November, December, and January we have choosen to do 2 service projects together. One community service, and one within our group. We came up with some fun ideas and I wanted to share a few of them in hopes that it sparks you to think about how a small act of service could be a great way for your family to bless others during the upcoming fall and winter months.

-Donating to your local food pantry
- Serving in the soup kitchen
-One of my friends is having us over for a pie making lesson with her secret recipe
-Adopting a family to buy Christmas for or selecting gifts for an Angel Tree
-Rake your neighbor's leaves
-Christmas cookie/candy making to share at your workplace, family events, or with neighbors
-Sending a heartfelt note or card in the mail
-At home DIY spa party
-Buying for another table during a dinner out
-Helping an elderly relative or friend do their Christmas (or grocery) shopping
-Take the pressure off gift giving and choose a movie date or coffee date with a friend instead.
-Donate to winter coat drives

Be sure to add your own ideas in the comment section.

“It's not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” 
― Mother Teresa

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Yard Barn Turned Craft Shed

About a year ago, I had an idea to turn our little yard barn into a craft shed. I had all kinds of ideas I found online through Pinterest. I was constantly showing Kyle my "dream barn."  My awesome husband actually listened and through a lot of hard work and help from friends and family, I have an awesome place to work on my projects. AND...the baby room is now empty and ready for paint! Here's our journey through photos from our Yard Barn turned Craft Shed. 

Part 1: Where to start?!
I think this was the hardest part. Kyle had to cut insulation to size, build a ceiling, put up vapor barrier, and put up plywood walls. The shed was not completely level so it was a lot of trial and error. This was a long process and we are glad we have a few tall friends and family members to help! I will add that even though Kyle is wearing the same outfit in every picture these are days and weeks worth of work. His camo pants are just his "work uniform."

Part 2:  After we had all of the walls and ceiling up, Kyle had to caulk around the edges, seal everything tight and, put in my heating and air unit (which we tricked my Dad into helping us with) The air unit is the best part. It does heating and cooling both so I can escape to my shed any time I want. 

Part 3:  Next up was painting and flooring and moving in furniture, this time we had help from my in-laws.

Part 4:  Have you seen the show "Yard Crashers?" It's a show where the host bombards you at Home Depot and asks if he can take over your yard for the next few days and you end up with an amazing backyard. Well my mother in law, scheduled herself to stay with us for a few days and "Crash our Shed." It was amazing. There is no way it would be finished without her. This woman is a hard worker! I was completely exhausted when she left and ecstatic about my finished craft shed.

And here are the final pictures!!!

The cubbies that my mother in law painted for me were free from her work. 

We were surprised how much space we still had after everything was put in. 
Cubbies were perfect for my neatly stacked material and all my scrapbooking supplies.

The shelving near the ceiling for totes were the only things we had to buy for storage. Everything else is a mix match of things we had around the house. 
This cabinet was an impulse buy at a flea market for next to nothing. I've been using it for storage in my dining room, but decided this would work great for my sewing storage. The shelves are full of things to be mended! 

I had saved a ton of jars, old tupperware, little bins, plastic strawberry containers etc.. They turned out to be quite useful to use for storing little things in the cubbies. Even though nothing matches, it's nice to be able to recycle.

I have a long list of projects to get started on and no excuses now! 

Thank you especially to my brilliant husband who jumped in and worked hours and hours to bring my little pinterest dream to life. Maybe I'll sew you a new pair of camo pants. xoxo. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Fall Decor: Thrifting & DIY

It's been a week since our "Jeeps Or Jewelry?"  gender reveal. I still haven't put everything away from the party. The house is kind of a mess. But I decided (naturally) to ignore the mess and get some Fall crafting on while I was in the mood.  I recruited the husband to help me drag out my storage totes of Fall cuteness & decor and got to it before my energy faded.

You remember the nice chalkboard my sister made for the party with the Old Wives Tales? See it here
 I grabbed the board, some chalk, a cup of water and sat down to work on my *masterpiece. I was planning on working on the board for a good while, but it turned out to be a fairly easy 10 minute project.  
I hung the chalkboard in the dining room above my antique wash stand that my uncle refinished for me. 

I love to set up a display on the wash stand. It also serves as storage for some of my platters and dishes I use for parties. I scored this double cola crate for $5 at a flea market last year. The faux flower arrangements are from dollar general. I bought them over 5 years ago when I was decorating my little apartment on a budget. Over the years I have spruced them up by adding little flower picks and ribbons from JoAnn's. They've seen better days, but I don't mind. I just give them a fluff and they are good to go. The glass bottles are old pepsi cola bottles that my dad and I dug out of the muddy bottoms at the farm. We found all kinds of vintage bottles.

Here's a picture from that day we went picking at the farm. Don't you think he is a good daddy-wearing the mismatched gloves (so I can use the good pair) and carrying the heavy buckets of moldy, muddy treasures for my latest whim?

I love changing out my decor for the seasons (or more often if the mood strikes). I have learned how to keep it within budget by rotating my favorite flea market finds and stocking up on after season clearance items. Sometimes a little paint or a clean up job is all a piece needs to become revived again. I especially enjoy displaying items with a story or meaning behind it. Like the vintage bottles reminding me of spectacular muddy farm days with my strong, loving dad. What's your favorite way to save when it comes to seasonal decorations? 

*Want to try your own chalkboard masterpiece?
Tips for writing on chalkboard- Keep the chalk wet. It will look like it is barely writing and very light in color. But don't worry, it dries bright white and looks so much smoother than dry writing. Keep a damp soft rag and q-tips handy for mistakes. If you are coloring in a big section for a doodle or large lettering, just wet the board where you are working. Don't worry about it being perfect. You can make faint measuring lines (just erase with a q-tip) and be precise if you would like. I prefer just to eyeball it.  I like my projects to look just a tad bit imperfect and homemade. 

Friday, September 13, 2013

Jeeps Or Jewelry?


Phew! What a fun and exhausting week. Last Friday we went to our 20 week ultrasound to see if Baby Campbell is a boy or girl. It was so amazing to see our baby moving around and knowing that everything is healthy and on track. We decided to host a Gender Reveal Party with our parents and siblings to tell them the exciting news on Sunday. It was a long two days waiting to spill the beans....

Here are photos from our "Jeeps or Jewelry" Gender Reveal Party.........

My sister helped me make this banner for the voting table.  Isn't it terrific?
The rest of the display are all things I've had around except the Jeep book that I bought for Baby last week.
Pardon the lighting.  Eco friendly bulbs are not great for photos. Need to work on my camera skills before Baby arrives.



After everyone voted we were at : Boy 3 Girl 8
My sister made this and brought it to the party for us, the chalkboard is a gift for Baby's room and I think it will be awesome for future photo props. Results: Girl 8 Boy-4 (not all shown) 
This washstand is my favorite piece of furniture. I always use it for display. I didn't want to spend a lot of money on the party so I wrapped some Ball jars in yarn and made some tags to hang on a silver jewelry tree I got years ago at Goodwill for $.50. I've had that vintage baby name book forever and it worked perfectly as a title for the name suggestion station.
Some twine & clothes pins to hang ultrasound pictures-which turned out great. Baby was very cooperative. 

It was fun to see everyone looking through the pics and trying to guess. I had the labeled pictures hidden of course!

This was the "Can't Wait Tag Tree" I asked everyone to fill out a tag to Baby Campbell telling one thing they just couldn't wait to do with Baby Campbell. I'm going to save them all in the baby book. I filled out one from the doggies as examples. Mine read:  "I can't wait to hear your first giggles. Love, Mommy"  Baby laughs are my favorite!

This was the name suggestion station. It was fun reading all the responses. We had some great name ideas.
 Still no name yet though.  What a hard decision!

Time for the big reveal!!! Boy or Girl? ...1....2......3.......!!!

IT'S A BOY!!!!!
Remember those votes? I think it was a surprise all around! 

I made my favorite Jello poke cake and I couldn't resist crafting this tiny little banner. 

Blue Jello for boy!

Overall the party went great. We had so much fun!  It was even better that all of our family got to attend church with us before the party. Sometimes God gives us an abundance of blessings. We are feeling that now and pray that we remember to give Him the glory for it all. Prayers Answered.

And Oh my, we are so excited about having a little boy!!!!

Here's our 20 week shot announcing our BOY!