Monday, October 31, 2011

Home Sweet Home

There is a blissful moment, usually found after returning from a trip away, when "ahhh, home sweet home" sighs into your thoughts. You are exhausted from your long drive, dragging in all your suitcases, shuffling your way around the house to be sure everything is still intact. You groggily brush your teeth and hop into your favorite PJ's. The ones that are too embarrassing to take on any trip, but you proudly flaunt down the halls in your own home, not caring what the fashion critics may say. You head down the hall to your bedroom, check your closet for hiding monsters, and plug in your cell phone to charge.  Then you pull back your covers and snuggle right in to your spot. There's the familiar way you lay on your side with you face burrowed into your cool pillow and even your toes wiggle under the covers with happiness. Knowing that there's nothing like sleeping in your own bed, you take a deep breath of relaxation and "ahhh, home sweet home." 

After our trip this weekend, I was thinking of this enchanted feeling and the other times in my life that I have been grateful to be "home sweet home." I think my favorite would be Christmas morning. Even to this day, the excitement of Christmas gives me little butterflies. I am usually the first one up, ready to give everyone their presents and enjoy family time with stockings, snowballs, and hot cocoa. 
There's a not-so-joyful feeling of when you are sick and you just want to be home. Even better if your mom is there giving you a cool rag for your forehead and a glass of sprite to settle your stomach. I'm not ashamed to say I'm 25 and if I'm sick I call my mom right away so she can tell me to drink water, get some rest, and to make sure Kyle gets me a cool rag. Yes, I know these things, but just a mom's sympathy makes it feel better even from a distance. 

As these things, and other endearing fuzzy moments ran through my head, my heart begin to sink for those who don't know this feeling, who haven't had a mom's healing sympathy, a safe bed, or the excitement of landing a snowball in a sibling's face on Christmas morning. 
It's moments like these that I know God is still giving me a heart for adoption. It's a small reminder that I was made for a purpose, placed in my family for a purpose, and His plans for us are good. We are nowhere near ready or wanting to have children now. But I do know that at the right time, God will place a child in our lives, a child that needs us and we will do our best to give them a "home sweet, sometimes nutty, home" 

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