Sunday, January 19, 2014


This is our last week waiting for our little boy's arrival!
Kyle was off this weekend so we have been purposefully lazy, playing with the soon to be neglected pups, using up restaurant gift cards from Christmas, and stocking up on some groceries. 

The nursery has been "kind of" done for a while, but mainly it's been storing things to sort. I got it cleared out enough today to take some pictures to share. I started out with a blue and red vintage theme. Then it turned into a travel theme, then more things were added and it's just a little boy nursery. I have a tendency to decorate with items I love, even if it's mix matched and random, so it only makes sense that our nursery is the same. 
Anyway, here is our nursery and some of the before/after projects I did: 

BEFORE: Mom gave me an old rocker that she had at her house. I bought new cushions and fabric to recover it. 

AFTER:  Comfy little rocker. Night stand from my mother in law. We were fortunate to only have to buy a crib for furniture. 

Found these cute little handmade bookends at a flea market. A bulldozer and backhoe. Couldn't resist. 

BEFORE: Another flea market find. This ratty little horse just needed some love. 

AFTER: I cleaned the horse up and gave it some new shaggy yarn hair.  It sits next to the little vintage gas pump we found in STL. It opens up with little cubbies for  Baby C to hide his treasures when he is older. The shelves above are full of  vintage toys and items I mostly had around the house.  I got some red clearance under bed storage after Christmas sales and it works perfectly for extra diapers. 

The closet is full of all kinds of cute baby things. I'm sure we will change it around once we start using this room, but for now, it works great for storage. The other closet still has Kyle's things in it so we will re work the closets once that is empty.  

Here is our changing table we made from the dresser we got from my mother in law. I've already changed the peg board storage a few times and I'm sure I will change it more. But for now, this is what we are using with all our bibs, burp cloths, blankets, diapers and wipes in the drawers ready to go

I made Kyle take my picture while I was in normal people clothes (for church). Now back to sweatpants and propping up my feet!

 And just for fun, here is Lola, helping me blog. Throughout my entire pregnancy every time Lola snuggles up to my stomach the baby starts kicking. I"m not sure if they will be buddies or enemies. Guess we will find out soon! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts throughout my pregnancy. Can't wait to share our bundle of joy with you! 

Sunday, January 12, 2014

On the Countdown

I started writing a blog post, but this past week has been so terribly awful that it was a really depressing post so I deleted it and instead I'm just going to shout out to those who made this terrible week a little easier to bear! Thank goodness this cold is on it's way out and we'll be snuggling this little boy in less than 2 weeks! 

My coworkers-I was feeling pretty exhausted and run down at work this week with a cold coming on and being swollen and pregnant. My coworkers are great at support, sympathy, helping out with my patients, and keeping my mind off of things. I had to take off Thursday and they covered my schedule and checked on me throughout the day. I'm grateful to work for a great dental office with great girls!

My friends- After I posted how sick I was on facebook and asking for prayers, I found there are so many sweet friends, old and new, that had kind words and thoughts for me. It kept me from burying my head in the pillow and crying the whole day long. Kind words can go a long way, never hesitate to give them. 

My mom & sister- By Saturday I was feeling a little better so my mom and sister came over for our last "girls shopping day" before we are slowed down by this little guy and his stroller, diaper changes, and hungry demands. Although I think my waddle and many bathroom trips slowed us down anyway. But it was great to get out of the house and pick up some last minute baby things.  

My friend, Kiersten- Thank you for bringing me medicine today! My friends have all offered to stop by and help with anything, even though they are packed full in their own lives right now. It's so great to have their love and helping hands when I need it. 

Most of all, Kyle- Poor guy has had sinus problems on and off himself. He has had to do nearly everything for me, especially this week and he's doing it without an argue. I know we are both exhausted, anxious, and our patience for each other is wearing thin. He has been running errands, taking care of the dogs, picking up things I drop, living off frozen pizzas, and watching my once cute face puff up. Plus being busy at work, working a new area of town and I"m sure having his own daddy worries for the big day.  I don't know how I  would have survived the end of this pregnancy without him. I'm a lucky girl. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

A New Year

I love that every time a new year rolls around, we are given a chance to reevaluate our lives and see where we want to change or wipe our slate clean and try again. I don't usually get caught up in making "resolutions" because it seems no matter how many times I want to "exercise more" it fizzles out as soon as I get a stuffy nose or the wind blows to the north.
 But still, I like to use this time to think about how the previous year went and where I want to be in the new year. Obviously this year will be totally different because we are going to be assuming a new role of "mommy" and "daddy." Ahh! I can't wait!  But what a responsibility! I am not buying the "martyr mother" idea that no matter what, everything is now all about my child. 
Before you jump at me, of course my child's safety, health, and cute little toes will be top of my priorities. But  I believe that my relationship with God and how I use that to be a good mother and wife should be the dominating priority. God has gifted me this child, and one day, I will be held responsible to how I bring him up in the teachings, and the example I show him and others as a woman in Christ. 
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. (Deuteronomy-Moses instructing the Israel on what God expects of them and how they are to use the 10 Commandments and God's teachings.) 
 In my daily life, this will be a big shift. Because honestly, last year I did not study the bible daily, I did not spend my time in prayer as I should, and I let several things take priority over that relationship (including this pregnancy) Oh how I have selfishly taken this gift of a child, given myself credit, and many days not given God first thought. 
So in light of a new year, I am striving to do better at keeping myself fueled spiritually so that I can show love and patience and knowledge to my family. As I embark on these new mommy challenges and the obstacles  it will bring to our marriage, I pray that I can accept the grace given to me and give God rule over my entire day, not just when I remember to throw Him in. 

As an added note: I have the YouVersion Bible App on my phone. It has a section with "plans" There are all kinds of bible reading, devotions, and topics that help you with your daily time in the Word. There are short term devotions for a few days or longer ones, that go through a whole year. You can even set a reminder for a certain time of the day to remind you to read your devotion. I set mine for a time I am usually checking facebook. If you are thinking about digging in to a new study, or just dipping your toes in, I think it would be a great place to start. 

And yes I know I'm behind on baby updates, shower blogs, and nursery reveals. I"ve been going through extreme spurts of energy and "yay! this baby is coming soon!" excitement, followed by hours of complete exhaustion and stress over "oh crap this baby is coming soon!"  lethargic type panic. So blogging has been forgotten, as well as why keeping candles away from flammable decor is a good idea, and where to put the BBQ sauce (not in the doggie storage corner). I'm sure Kyle is glad we work opposite hours so he only has to deal with crazy wife part of the time. He's been a real trooper though and I know he's getting excited to meet this little guy!