I can still remember her big grin as we were climbing on our swing set, barefoot, singing out songs we learned from our Raffi videos. She was the happy sibling, much prettier than her freckle faced older sister, and with a heart of gold. She went along with every imaginary game I made up for us to play. She was always picking flowers, drawing pictures, and looking for ways to charm our parents. My younger brother and I rolled our eyes as she did something else to "brown nose" up to mom or dad. She wasn't perfect by any means. I remember her getting in trouble for writing on her shoes and how many times did we hear, "Cathy! Be quiet, your voice carries through this whole house!". But, compared to my back talking, and my brother being a mischievous boy, I would say she was the sweet one.
As we got older, I don't think she fought with mom as much as I did. A teenage girl and her mom can be a scary thing. My siblings say they were better behaved than I was because they watched and learned from the things I did. That may be true, but I believe their personalities had a lot to do with that also. I'm more prone to making the world revolve around me, but my sister has always been a people pleaser and still is today.

My little sister is now dealing with medical problems and I am asking for prayers. She is 23, previously completely healthy, and for months now has been having trouble breathing. Without going into details, she is now to the point where she is on oxygen full time to help her shortness of breath. She is still working as an RN and pushes herself through each day but is exhausted and unable to do anything without taking breaks and resting. This includes everyday tasks such as cooking, cleaning, walking to the mail box, and even talking on the phone while standing up. She has had test after test done, she goes to doctors each week and they seem to have another "guess" at her diagnosis only to have the tests eliminate that diagnosis. She and her husband have been through weeks of waiting, not knowing, seeing no end to the testing, thinking they have an answer and then back to square one.
I know that God takes us through life seeing what He sees and knowing what He knows. We only see what our eyes can take in right now. How many times has God saved us from dangers we do not know? I trust that God sees the end of this, even though right now we cannot see where this is going. I believe that God heals. I am asking you to pray for God's will to be done in this and that if a healing is what He has planned that He will give it at the right time. I pray that the doctors have clarity, that Cathy's spirit be lifted, and that we all have patience as we wait for the answer that will come.